السبت 23 نوفمبر 2024

Ocean kingdom by Asmaa Nada chapter 3

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موقع أيام نيوز

to travel heading to the lost island in the heart of the ocean which their ancestors called the Holy Island and which humans called Atlantis after sixteen hours had passed since the beginning of the travel journey. Finally Ivan Brak and Rikrid arrived at the entrance to the Holy Island and Prince Chris was standing there waiting to be allowed to pass.
Ivan said Chris do not think that the court will stop punishing you because you violated my authority and we will have an account after you return.
Chris said I did not assault you Ivan. Brak is the one who did that and married outside the borders of the seas without consulting the laws.
Ivan said who said this? I was the one who permitted him to marry on earth under the conditions of the laws of the Bible. You forgot how I became the protector of the Bible.
Chris said You should have announced that statement in the Supreme Council before their marriage.
Ivan said angrily No you are not obligated to do this but you are obligated to ask before you decide to take any position.
Everyone turned to hear the voice of Houria who had arrived with her father
There is something you should know Ivan before you hear it in court.
Barak said What are you doing here Houria? You are not required to attend the court my dear.
Ivan said Shut up let her talk. I want to hear from her.
Horiyas father the King of the Pacific said No not here. Ivan will know everything inside the court building.
Ivan said Okay with all due respect to your decision King.
Time passed between normal discussions and Baraks attempts to soothe the feelings of Houria who was pretending to be angry with him. Of course he did not allow Rekrid the opportunity to offend human
beings and try to distance Ivans thoughts from his beloved Mayasin whom he called the human Cinderella.

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